Interested in making a difference on the Illinois campus as we strive for best sustainability practices? Here are a few opportunities to get involved:
- STYRECYCLE INTERNSHIP: The newest recycling program on campus needs a high-energy intern to recruit new building and labs to participate, work with interested building managers to create a space for and advertise in-building collection bin, and pick up Styrofoam from campus buildings for delivery to the mass collection point. The intern will be compensated with 1-4 course credit hours available through the ENVS 491: Sustainability Experiences course. Opportunity may exist to continue involvement into the fall semester. To apply, email [email protected] expressing your interest and summer availability. If selected, you will be given details to register for ENVS 491.
- SWATeam VOLUNTEER MEMBERS: Leave a legacy at Illinois as a student member of one of iSEE’s Sustainability Working Advisory Teams (SWATeams). These teams — of two faculty, two staff, and two students — examine and recommend concrete steps the campus should take to meet its Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) targets. The six SWATeams are: Agriculture, Land Use, Food, & Sequestration; Energy Conservation & Building Standards; Energy Generation, Purchasing & Distribution; Purchasing, Waste, & Recycling; Transportation; and Water & Stormwater. We are looking for interns to serve a one-year term on several different SWATeams beginning in Fall 2016. Time commitment varies by team and by particular project, but should not exceed two to three hours a week. Contact Prof. Ben McCall, iSEE Associate Director for Campus Sustainability, at [email protected] if you’re interested.
- SWATeam CLERK INTERNSHIPS: We are also seeking students support the SWATeams with their day-to-day operations. Clerks are responsible for scheduling meetings, preparing minutes, working with iSEE Staff Liaisons to post materials on the iCAP Portal website, assisting with the preparation of reports, performing data analysis or background research as needed, assisting with the preparation of formal recommendations, and assisting with the development of scope for proposed sustainability studies. The Clerk position is ideal for freshmen and sophomores with excellent written and oral communications and a desire to start earning relevant sustainability experience on campus. Clerks may enroll in the ENVS 491 (“Sustainability Experience”) SWA Section to receive 1 course credit hour. View the class syllabus. As a student in ENVS 491,interns are expected to spend an average of four hours per week per credit hour on SWATeam-related activities. To express interest in this opportunity, email [email protected].